Monday, February 1, 2010

Sort of forgot about all of this blogging stuff

I was selling my house, and after that I started up a franchise. The last thing on my mind was blogging here! Well, hopefully that will change. Look for something in the next few days. PROMISE

Friday, July 10, 2009

On the internets, porn is where the money is

My daughter typed in the url instead of

Check out Does everything on the internet have to lead to porn? I'm a big fan, don't get me wrong, but it seems anymore that any mistyped url will redirect to some generic type porn site. Try it yourself.

I guess that's where the money is. When cute puppy dogs make money on the internet I guess we'll be directed to the humane society. For now, be ready to feast your eyes on some, well..use your imagination.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jesus' so called sacrifice

Anytime someone comes up to you and starts squawking about Jesus dieing for us, God sacrificing his son, or any sort of variant of that, ask them to really explain what they mean.

For example, let's take a look at this statement: "Jesus died for your sins"

Atheist: Ok, if Jesus died for my sins then he is still dead right?

Christian: Well, no, not exactly. He actually rose again.

Atheist: Ok, so he didn't die for my sins then?

Christian: Stop trying to twist things around. He DID die, and then he came back to life.

Atheist: Mmmm...seems he never really died to me then. Once you're dead you're dead. How exactly does an omnipotent being die anyway? I mean if Jesus is God and God is all powerful how can it suffer and die? I would happily get beaten and whipped if I knew for a fact that it was just a temporary thing and that I was eternal. How do we know that this so called "suffering" Jesus did was real? If it's God, how do we determine that real suffering was done? What's the big deal? What REAL sacrifice was made? I just don't see it.

Christian: I'll pray for you.

Atheist: Sigh

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The so called "fine tuning of the universe"

Sorry fan (Hi Mom!) for the delay in posting. I've been looking for a job. That sort of takes precedence. Feel free to check out some of my side links (wink, wink)

Anyhoo, what I want to talk about today is the "fine tuning argument put forth by some Christians. They squawk:

"Well, I heard that if the weak forces were like .00000001 different life as we know it wouldn't exist. How do ya splain that?!!?"

Well, first of all I don't HAVE to explain it. Just because I can't explain something doesn't then by default meant your god dun it. I could ask you, well how exactly did your god create the universe from nothing? WHAT??? you don't KNOW?!! well, by default that means your god doesn't exist.

See, that's not really true, it works both ways. A persons god may exist but they have to show that and not just claim some sort of victory if their god is not "dis proven".

Ok, I sort of got off on a tangent. I've heard people just throw out astronomical type odds on life existing as it does now. I'm not sure where or how that they come up with these numbers, they probably just "heard it somewhere". I'm going to make a point about this here:

Let's look at a situation where someone (let's just say a pro golfer) is going to swing his driver to drive the golf ball down the fairway. There are about 300 dimples on a golf ball. There is about 100mm's along a blade of grass. Each golf ball dimple is about 3mm, so let's just say there is about 30 different locations along the blade of grass that ONE of those dimples may lay. Maybe the pro golfer is having a bad day and he could either slice, hook, hit it down the center, basically anywhere in between. Let's make a CONSERVATIVE estimate that there are a million possible blades of grass that the ball can roll and lay on.

My probability calculation may not be precise but that's not important. Basically the odds of having one specific dimple of the golf ball roll up and touch a specific spot along a blade of grass is...drum roll.....

300x30x1000000, or 9 billion to 1. So, when the golfer hits the ball, and the ball eventually does roll up on a blade of grass on one specific dimple, do we say that it was IMPOSSIBLE because the odds were so high against it? Of course not, the ball had to land SOMEWHERE. Now if somehow before humans existing something/some being predicted that we would be like were are now...that would be impressive.

To sum up, what I'm saying is that we are what we are. We could have very well developed into something else. We could have 8 eyes and no legs. We could all live in volcanoes, we could have not evolved at all. BUT we did evolve to what we are and there isn't really anything special about it. It's no more special than the golf ball.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The "debate" on whether the United States was founded as Christian Nation

Every now and then I'll see a debate going on somewhere about whether or not the founding fathers wanted us to be a "Christian Nation". The secular side will bring out the Treaty of Tripoli, which in part of it states in Article 11:


As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

The secular side also brings out that "god" is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

But wait!! The Christians will say that God or "God Almighty" is mentioned in EVERY states preamble! Doesn't that make us a Christian Nation?

What I am saying today is that it DOES NOT MATTER if the founding fathers said or stated in someway that we are a "Christian Nation". The Constitution is not a set in stone/static document that can never change. Times changes, new information is discovered, societies morals change.

Here is an example. When the founding fathers drafted the Constitution, owning slaves was a very common thing, and really wasn't seen (at least by the majority of the time) as a bad thing. Our founding fathers could have easily put something in the Constitution that our nation was a "slave nation" and all people in the country had the right to own at least 2 slaves per household.

Do you believe that in the year 2009 we'd still have slaves just because it was written in the Constitution? Of course not. We would have had amendments passed that would have changed all of that.

And what does it really mean to be a "Christian Nation"? Would that mean that it would be the official religion and you couldn't practice any other religion? If you did would you go to jail, or get fined perhaps? Would that mean that the laws would be based on the Bible only? Would that mean that the only science taught had to conform to biblical teachings only? I really don't see why it matters whether or not we are Christian Nation or not. I just don't see our actions and behaviors being much different than they are now.

So all of you STOP IT with the Christian Nation stuff. It just doesn't matter.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Google Ad Sense is nuts

I wanted to start a blog to post my thoughts about my life and more specifically my atheism.

I thought "hey, why not moneytize the blog, everyone else is?". So I setup a Google Ad Sense account.

Instead of "atheist type ads" they have "religious type ads". Why would someone come to my blog and want to go somewhere that supposedly offers proof of God's existence? My reading audience (all TWO OF YOU! thanks by the way!) is to smart for that. I wonder if I called Google they would change it just for me...probably not.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Atheist's - Please start having more children!!

Have you ever noticed that the HUGE families are always Christian? Have you noticed that whenever someone is "blessed" (cough, gag, cough) with quadruplets/quintuplets and now the latest octuplets (to show how crazy this is, "octuplets" is not even a word that Blogger recognizes in the spell checker), they are all some sort of denomination of Christian?

The simple answer to why Christianity is still a driving force in this country is that the Christians are the one having the babies. It gets passed down the generations.

Now, I know you atheists out there are responsible people and don't want to have more children than you can realistically support. I applaud you for that. BUT, until we have a law in this country that says women can have so many children (please don't hold your breath) it's going to make the uphill battle of fighting the religious zealots that much tougher. So atheists, if you feel you can have that 3rd or 4th kid please do so. Let's raise as many critical thinking children as we can.